Jennifer Dunn Jones Early Childhood Center
(Located at St. Michael, Frostburg)
The Jennifer Dunn Jones Early Childhood Center at St. Michael, located in Frostburg, Maryland, provides an opportunity for your child to develop spiritually, intellectually, socially and physically within the loving and nurturing environment of our Catholic school structure.
We would like to start by thanking you for enrolling your child in our program. If it weren’t for you, we would not be here. Your support means everything!
Students in our early childhood courses are introduced at a very early age to a myriad of experiences designed to develop the whole child. In PreSchool, name recognition, matching, and identifying colors and shapes prepare our youngest students for a lifetime of successful learning. Outdoor play, following directions, and sharing are keys of social and academic growth.
PreK students begin counting, letter and number recognition, and simple addition and subtraction, combined with art projects, computer lab and library visits, outdoor activities, dramatic play and field trips connect with your child's individual talents, interests, and abilities. Basic Christian values of respect for self, peers, and adults, love of learning, and sharing with others are constantly taught throughout each school day.
Parents are given many opportunities throughout the school to learn and grow with your child. Meaningful parent involvement provides a bridge between the home and school and aids in the successful development of social and cognitive development of each individual child.
Located at:
56 E. Main St.
Frostburg, MD 21532
Kim Kyle - Lead Teacher
Lori Krumpach
Diane Blubaugh
Juanita Salazar
Julie McKenzie provides after school care 2:30PM to 5:00PM, and she is our substitute.
We are honored to have such compassionate, talented and dedicated teachers to work with the students.
Register at How to Apply.
The Center opens at 7:30AM. Part time program ends at 11:30 and Full time program ends at 2:30. After School care is available as needed (please give a week notice if possible, we understand emergencies.)
Calendars will be sent home monthly. We follow the Bishop Walsh School Calendar academic year, holidays and professional days, half days and early dismissal.
Field Trips will be scheduled and transportation will be provided for students. Parents may have to drive separately. Bishop Walsh has purchased a 24 passenger bus and we are privileged enough to use the bus for our summer program field trips. It is a very nice ride!
During the winter months we will follow the Bishop Walsh Delays and Closures and Mountain Ridge District Delays and Closures when the weather is worse in Frostburg. If Allegany County Schools would happen to be scheduled off and we are open during bad weather, it will be posted on our Facebook page. This rarely happens, but our weather is sometimes much different than Cumberland.
Personal Belongings:
Please bring a change of clothes in a labeled Ziploc bag to leave at the center. Potty trainers will need extra outfits, diapers/pull-ups and wipes. We will go outside when the weather permits, so please dress your child appropriately. We are learning through exploration and play and we will get dirty at times. On nice days we will take a walk in the community. Comfortable clothes and tennis shoes are preferred.
Full Day students will need to bring a packed lunch; milk will be provided by the center. The child will need a small pillow and blanket in a plastic bag or tote bag for rest time. They will be kept at the center and sent home biweekly to be laundered.
Parents need to make payments to their account on the FACTS website. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Travis Beeman at 301-724-5360 Ext. 106 or email him at tbeeman@bishopwalsh.org.
FACE is a wonderful program where you can purchase gift certificates through Bishop Walsh and you will receive credit towards your tuition. See F.A.C.E. Office for more information or contact the main office at 301-724-5360.
Anyone who will be visiting or volunteering in the classroom or attending field trips is required to take our on-line training course. This is mandatory for anyone who would be around the children. It only takes 30-45 minutes of your time and we are asking all parents to take advantage of this free course, you will find it most informative. It covers many topics, but we find the section on how to identify child predators most useful. More information is found at VIRTUS/STAND. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mrs.Hollie Robertson at 301-724-5360 Ext. 103 or email her at hrobertson@bishopwalsh.org . Once the course is complete please print your certificate and return it so we can keep it on file. This training is valid for 5 years.
Thank you for choosing the Jennifer Dunn Jones Early Childhood Center at Saint Michael's.