Middle School (6th-8th)
Students in grades 6th–8th at Bishop Walsh learn in a departmentalized setting taught by teachers who specialize in particular subject areas. A cross-curricula team approach is used in our middle school program.
Students learn time management skills, note-taking skills, gain self-confidence and ultimately are prepared in every way for quality high schools. In middle school, students move to separate classes for instruction by subject specialists.
Middle school students continue to pursue accelerated curricula in math and science (laboratory courses). Technology integration is achieved through project-based learning. In language arts, students learn to apply and refine writing, critical thinking and analytic skills across academic studies.
Bishop Walsh School Course Catalog (Click here for a list and description of Bishop Walsh middle school courses.)
Middle Schools Standards
The Middle School year is divided into three marking periods at the end of which reports are issued. The minimum passing grade is D. To receive credit the yearly average must be D or better. The standards, letter grades and their numerical equivalents are:
Independent 97 – 100
Very Good 93 – 96
Progressing 85 – 92
Satisfactory 75 – 84
Needs Improvement 70 – 74
Unsatisfactory 69 and below
Letter Grades are as follows:
97 – 100 A+
93 – 96 A
89 – 92 B+
85 – 88 B
80 – 84 C+
75 – 79 C
70 – 74 D
69 & below F
BW Middle School students are eligible to be listed on The Honor Roll. Inclusion is determined by general average. The grade is meant to indicate whether or not the student is working to his or her ability level.
A student whose trimester grades are all 93% or higher earns PRINCIPAL’S HONORS.
A student whose trimester grades are all 85% or higher earns FIRST HONORS.
A student whose trimester grades are all 80% or higher earns SECOND HONORS.
(To be eligible for Honors, a student must have a grade of “Good” in Conduct and Effort.)
Special Events and Programs
- BW Environmental Adventure Week (outdoor school) at Deer Valley YMCA Camp in nearby Fort Hill, Pennsylvania (6th grade)
- Middle School Talent Show
- Field Trips to local businesses, Washington, D.C., Flight 93 Memorial, Emmitsburg and other locations.
- Special evening Middle School parties